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Make your Home Smarter with Nest

Looking to make your home smarter? Although still in its infancy stage, the number of products available to make your home smart is growing rapidly. Various devices are available that allow homeowners to control their home’s lighting, thermostats, and even crock pot just from a click on their smartphone or tablet. These devices also quiet the nagging worries that crowd in our mind when we are not home and can be programmed to be turned on when you arrive home.

Smarthomeworks has a wide variety of products to make your home smarter including smart thermostats. They not only control the heating and cooling of your home but also promise energy savings of 20 – 30 %. The NEST learning thermostat provided by Smart Home Works is a beautiful and attractively designed device which displays an orange color when the heat is on and the blue when you turn on the air-conditioning.

Just like other smarthomeworks products, the Nest is connected via a smartphone app making it easy for you to control and access your home’s temperature from anywhere in the world. Since all homes differ in sizes, floor plans, window quality, external climate and of course the number of residents – it can be challenging to control the temperature of each room. However, the secret to how smart home works is “smart” learning. And Smart Home Works makes it easy with Nest. The built-in sensor learns from the interactions of the homeowners. In just about a week, it picks up all your habits and adjusts itself accordingly. For example, after some time the Nest thermostat will understand that you prefer to turn the heat up on cold wintery mornings and turn on the Air conditioning as soon as you enter the house from a hot day at work in summers.

When programmed, the Nest will also understand the schedules of you and your family. It will turn on the Energy Saving Away mode as soon as the last person in the house leaves to help save you money on your utility bills. With the Nest Learning Thermostat, we guarantee you that you will have better control of your home and your family’s comfort.

Free Annual Maintenance:

The technicians of Smart Home Works will provide the homeowners with a free annual checkup of all the devices. If anything seems faulty, they will repair it and replace the filters as needed. They also offer a free replacement after 10 years. Just give them a call and they will replace your device with a brand new one at no charge.

For more information on the Nest Learning Thermostat and the other heating/cooling products offered by, visit their website or contact their customer representatives who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

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